
摘要:ReactiveCocoa 这个框架是我从入职CSDN以后接触的,在每个项目中都会用到,所以它的作用非常重要,下面的东西都会跟它有关,文章也主要偏向源码分析。



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@class RACCompoundDisposable;
@class RACDisposable;
@class RACSignal;

@interface NSObject (RACDeallocating)

/// The compound disposable which will be disposed of when the receiver is
/// deallocated.
@property (atomic, readonly, strong) RACCompoundDisposable *rac_deallocDisposable;

/// Returns a signal that will complete immediately before the receiver is fully
/// deallocated. If already deallocated when the signal is subscribed to,
/// a `completed` event will be sent immediately.
- (RACSignal *)rac_willDeallocSignal;




2、category名称的命名规范 如果是对iOS sdk的类或其他第三方库的类 加category ,要加上本项目的前缀

3、property的修饰词 尽可能写全,虽然不写也有默认的

4、property的命名规范 如果是对iOS sdk的类或其他第三方库的类 加category ,要加上本项目的前缀

5、函数的命名规范 如果是对iOS sdk的类或其他第三方库的类 加category ,要加上本项目的前缀


//  UIView+WillChange.h
//  RACTest
//  Created by 张如泉 on 15/10/26.
//  Copyright © 2015年 quange. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIView (WillChange)
- (CGFloat)width;

//  UIView+WillChange.m
//  RACTest
//  Created by 张如泉 on 15/10/26.
//  Copyright © 2015年 quange. All rights reserved.

#import "UIView+WillChange.h"

@implementation UIView (WillChange)

- (CGFloat)width
   return 90;

//  UIView+SomeThing.h
//  RACTest
//  Created by 张如泉 on 15/10/26.
//  Copyright © 2015年 quange. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIView (SomeThing)
- (CGFloat)width;

//  UIView+SomeThing.m
//  RACTest
//  Created by 张如泉 on 15/10/26.
//  Copyright © 2015年 quange. All rights reserved.

#import "UIView+SomeThing.h"

@implementation UIView (SomeThing)

- (CGFloat)width
    return 10;

//  UIView+Zero.h
//  RACTest
//  Created by 张如泉 on 15/10/26.
//  Copyright © 2015年 quange. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface UIView (Zero)
- (CGFloat)width;

//  UIView+Zero.m
//  RACTest
//  Created by 张如泉 on 15/10/26.
//  Copyright © 2015年 quange. All rights reserved.

#import "UIView+Zero.h"

@implementation UIView (Zero)
- (CGFloat)width
    return 0;





NSLog(@"category返回的view的宽度到底是多少%@",@([self.view width]));

我们可以看到结果可能跟我们的想象的很不同,尽管我们#import "UIView+WillChange.h"但是加载的并不是这里面的函数

那么它到底跟什么有关系呢 ,我们试着调整一下这里面的顺序




ReactiveCocoa (RAC) is a Cocoa framework inspired by Functional Reactive Programming.这句话是RAC对自己的介绍。那么在看这句话的时候我们我们就要先弄清楚,什么是FRP(Functional Reactive Programming)。 这里我们引入李忠博客的一段话

Functional Reactive Programming(以下简称FRP)是一种响应变化的编程范式。先来看一小段代码

a = 2
b = 2
c = a + b // c is 4

b = 3
// now what is the value of c?



FRP demo


register demo


可以看到光是注册页就有这么多的联动,在javascript中可以采用事件监听来处理,iOS中更多的是delegate模式,本质上都是事件的分发和响应。这种做法的缺点是不够直观,尤其在逻辑比较复杂的情况下。这也是为什么尽管nodejs很高效,但由于javascript的callback style和异步模式不符合正常的编程习惯,让很多人望而却步。




大家一定玩过这个游戏,我个人觉得RACSignal更像豌豆射手,可以射出数据也就是豌豆子弹,只不过我们平常不太关心子弹是怎么造出来的 让我们看下面一段代码

const NSInteger hurtNumer = 5;
__block NSInteger usedNumber = 0;

//植物大战僵尸 中的豌豆射手(这个射手一次 可以连发三发子弹)
RACSignal *peaKiller = [RACSignal createSignal:^ RACDisposable * (id<RACSubscriber> subscriber) {
    if(usedNumber >2)
        [subscriber sendError:[NSError errorWithDomain:@"MyDomain" code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey:@"不好意思,正在冷却"}]];
        [subscriber sendNext:@(hurtNumer)];
        [subscriber sendNext:@(hurtNumer+1)];
        [subscriber sendCompleted];
        [subscriber sendNext:@(hurtNumer+2)];

    return [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{

//第一次使用豌豆射手 ,并且设置接受子弹后处理 (这里用block 生成一个RACSubscriber对象,block内的代码 就是接受到子弹后处理)
[peaKiller subscribeNext:^(id x) {
    NSLog(@"接收到一个豌豆子弹,对僵尸1减去生命值 %@", x);

//第二次使用豌豆射手  map 相当于对子弹进行加工 比如加上寒冰属性 使伤害值加100
RACDisposable * dispose = [[peaKiller map:^id(id value) {
    return @([value integerValue] +100);
}] subscribeNext:^(id x) {
    NSLog(@"接收到一个豌豆子弹,,对僵尸2减去生命值 %@", x);

[peaKiller subscribeNext:^(id x) {
    NSLog(@"第三次使用,这次还有子弹么 %@", x);
} error:^(NSError *error) {
    NSLog(@"第三次使用,报错:%@",NSLocalizedString([error userInfo][NSLocalizedDescriptionKey], nil));

//游戏结束 进行清理工作
[dispose dispose];


2015-10-29 11:05:33.316 RACTest[2278:77308] 接收到一个豌豆子弹,对僵尸1减去生命值 5
2015-10-29 11:05:33.316 RACTest[2278:77308] 接收到一个豌豆子弹,对僵尸1减去生命值 6
2015-10-29 11:05:33.316 RACTest[2278:77308] 进行清理工作
2015-10-29 11:05:33.317 RACTest[2278:77308] 接收到一个豌豆子弹,,对僵尸2减去生命值 105
2015-10-29 11:05:33.317 RACTest[2278:77308] 接收到一个豌豆子弹,,对僵尸2减去生命值 106
2015-10-29 11:05:33.317 RACTest[2278:77308] 进行清理工作
2015-10-29 11:05:33.318 RACTest[2278:77308] 第三次使用,报错:不好意思,正在冷却
2015-10-29 11:05:33.318 RACTest[2278:77308] 进行清理工作

好吧,下面让我们一点点看代码,首先来看豌豆射手是如何创建的 createSignal 后面跟着一个block,入口参数为是一个集成了RACSubscriber协议的对象,

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@class RACCompoundDisposable;

/// Represents any object which can directly receive values from a RACSignal.
/// You generally shouldn't need to implement this protocol. +[RACSignal
/// createSignal:], RACSignal's subscription methods, or RACSubject should work
/// for most uses.
/// Implementors of this protocol may receive messages and values from multiple
/// threads simultaneously, and so should be thread-safe. Subscribers will also
/// be weakly referenced so implementations must allow that.
@protocol RACSubscriber <NSObject>

/// Sends the next value to subscribers.
/// value - The value to send. This can be `nil`.
- (void)sendNext:(id)value;

/// Sends the error to subscribers.
/// error - The error to send. This can be `nil`.
/// This terminates the subscription, and invalidates the subscriber (such that
/// it cannot subscribe to anything else in the future).
- (void)sendError:(NSError *)error;

/// Sends completed to subscribers.
/// This terminates the subscription, and invalidates the subscriber (such that
/// it cannot subscribe to anything else in the future).
- (void)sendCompleted;

/// Sends the subscriber a disposable that represents one of its subscriptions.
/// A subscriber may receive multiple disposables if it gets subscribed to
/// multiple signals; however, any error or completed events must terminate _all_
/// subscriptions.
- (void)didSubscribeWithDisposable:(RACCompoundDisposable *)disposable;




#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@class RACScopedDisposable;

/// A disposable encapsulates the work necessary to tear down and cleanup a
/// subscription.
@interface RACDisposable : NSObject

/// Whether the receiver has been disposed.
/// Use of this property is discouraged, since it may be set to `YES`
/// concurrently at any time.
/// This property is not KVO-compliant.
@property (atomic, assign, getter = isDisposed, readonly) BOOL disposed;

+ (instancetype)disposableWithBlock:(void (^)(void))block;

/// Performs the disposal work. Can be called multiple times, though subsequent
/// calls won't do anything.
- (void)dispose;

/// Returns a new disposable which will dispose of this disposable when it gets
/// dealloc'd.
- (RACScopedDisposable *)asScopedDisposable;




+ (RACSignal *)createSignal:(RACDisposable * (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))didSubscribe {
return [RACDynamicSignal createSignal:didSubscribe];


//  RACDynamicSignal.h
//  ReactiveCocoa
//  Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-10-10.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import "RACSignal.h"

// A private `RACSignal` subclasses that implements its subscription behavior
// using a block.
@interface RACDynamicSignal : RACSignal

+ (RACSignal *)createSignal:(RACDisposable * (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))didSubscribe;


//  RACDynamicSignal.m
//  ReactiveCocoa
//  Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-10-10.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import "RACDynamicSignal.h"
#import "RACEXTScope.h"
#import "RACCompoundDisposable.h"
#import "RACPassthroughSubscriber.h"
#import "RACScheduler+Private.h"
#import "RACSubscriber.h"
#import <libkern/OSAtomic.h>

@interface RACDynamicSignal ()

// The block to invoke for each subscriber.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) RACDisposable * (^didSubscribe)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber);


@implementation RACDynamicSignal

#pragma mark Lifecycle

+ (RACSignal *)createSignal:(RACDisposable * (^)(id<RACSubscriber> subscriber))didSubscribe {
RACDynamicSignal *signal = [[self alloc] init];
signal->_didSubscribe = [didSubscribe copy];
return [signal setNameWithFormat:@"+createSignal:"];

#pragma mark Managing Subscribers

- (RACDisposable *)subscribe:(id<RACSubscriber>)subscriber {
NSCParameterAssert(subscriber != nil);

RACCompoundDisposable *disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];
subscriber = [[RACPassthroughSubscriber alloc] initWithSubscriber:subscriber signal:self disposable:disposable];

if (self.didSubscribe != NULL) {
RACDisposable *schedulingDisposable = [RACScheduler.subscriptionScheduler schedule:^{
RACDisposable *innerDisposable = self.didSubscribe(subscriber);
[disposable addDisposable:innerDisposable];

[disposable addDisposable:schedulingDisposable];

return disposable;


从上面的代码可以看到 createSignal实际上是创建了RACDynamicSignal对象,把刚才的block参数保存在_didSubscribe属性中了。 让我继续看 使用一次豌豆射手让其发射三发子弹的函数 subscribeNext参数也是一个block,入口参数是id类型的。

- (RACDisposable *)subscribeNext:(void (^)(id x))nextBlock {
NSCParameterAssert(nextBlock != NULL);

RACSubscriber *o = [RACSubscriber subscriberWithNext:nextBlock error:NULL completed:NULL];
return [self subscribe:o];


//  RACSubscriber+Private.h
//  ReactiveCocoa
//  Created by Justin Spahr-Summers on 2013-06-13.
//  Copyright (c) 2013 GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import "RACSubscriber.h"

// A simple block-based subscriber.
@interface RACSubscriber : NSObject <RACSubscriber>

// Creates a new subscriber with the given blocks.
+ (instancetype)subscriberWithNext:(void (^)(id x))next error:(void (^)(NSError *error))error completed:(void (^)(void))completed;


//  RACSubscriber.m
//  ReactiveCocoa
//  Created by Josh Abernathy on 3/1/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012 GitHub, Inc. All rights reserved.

#import "RACSubscriber.h"
#import "RACSubscriber+Private.h"
#import "RACEXTScope.h"
#import "RACCompoundDisposable.h"

@interface RACSubscriber ()

// These callbacks should only be accessed while synchronized on self.
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^next)(id value);
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^error)(NSError *error);
@property (nonatomic, copy) void (^completed)(void);

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) RACCompoundDisposable *disposable;


@implementation RACSubscriber

#pragma mark Lifecycle

+ (instancetype)subscriberWithNext:(void (^)(id x))next error:(void (^)(NSError *error))error completed:(void (^)(void))completed {
RACSubscriber *subscriber = [[self alloc] init];

subscriber->_next = [next copy];
subscriber->_error = [error copy];
subscriber->_completed = [completed copy];

return subscriber;

- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self == nil) return nil;


RACDisposable *selfDisposable = [RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{

@synchronized (self) { = nil;
self.error = nil;
self.completed = nil;

_disposable = [RACCompoundDisposable compoundDisposable];
[_disposable addDisposable:selfDisposable];

return self;

- (void)dealloc {
[self.disposable dispose];

#pragma mark RACSubscriber

- (void)sendNext:(id)value {
@synchronized (self) {
void (^nextBlock)(id) = [ copy];
if (nextBlock == nil) return;


- (void)sendError:(NSError *)e {
@synchronized (self) {
void (^errorBlock)(NSError *) = [self.error copy];
[self.disposable dispose];

if (errorBlock == nil) return;

- (void)sendCompleted {
@synchronized (self) {
void (^completedBlock)(void) = [self.completed copy];
[self.disposable dispose];

if (completedBlock == nil) return;

- (void)didSubscribeWithDisposable:(RACCompoundDisposable *)otherDisposable {
if (otherDisposable.disposed) return;

RACCompoundDisposable *selfDisposable = self.disposable;
[selfDisposable addDisposable:otherDisposable];


// If this subscription terminates, purge its disposable to avoid unbounded
// memory growth.
[otherDisposable addDisposable:[RACDisposable disposableWithBlock:^{
[selfDisposable removeDisposable:otherDisposable];


而此类正式集成了上面的RACSubscriber协议,而且也按规定实现了sendNext、sendError、sendCompleted、didSubscribeWithDisposable 此类会把刚才的block保存在自己的next属性中,另外看看sendCompleted和sendError函数,可以看到里面调用了[self.disposable dispose];所以会在sendCompleted和sendError动作里面有个清理的行为 然后再继续看RACDynamicSignal的subscribe的函数

可以看到实际上 [peaKiller subscribeNext:的参数实际上是传到了 [RACSignal createSignal:的block的入口参数里。 所以

[subscriber sendNext:@(hurtNumer)];

实际上 执行了一次[peaKiller subscribeNext:所传的block。

上面就是一个豌豆射手是如何创建的 如何使用的。

再来看看第二次使用豌豆射手 map ,map实际上对数据豌豆子弹修改,比如加上冰或者火的属性 由于时间关系,具体代码下次再来看

Written on October 28, 2015